As promised we wrapped ourselves up this afternoon and went down to the Loch side to take some more pictures. It was even colder down there but I was pleased with the results. We then went round to the other side of the loch and took one or two more. The loch itself was not frozen which was quite surprising as it has been so cold. Enjoyed being out even with the cold grand to get out of the house for an hour or so and the sun even put in a rare appearance. Love
Tuesday, 31 January 2006
The Loch.
Stuart and I have just returned from our brisk walk to get a paper and some milk . I took the camera and the pictures are the result of what we saw. It is freezing out today again the temperature is still -3c and there is a wind it is now afternoon so I don't think it will get any warmer today. The trees were looking spectacular this morning they have had two day of frost on them so it is really thick. The first four pictures are in the garden and the rest I took on our walk round to the local shop. Don't think we will be out again today. May have a run down to the Loch as it must be frozen and I would like to get pictures of it. Bye for now and have a nice day and keep warm. Love
Monday, 30 January 2006
The Trip That Never Was
Stuart and I were up with larks, well almost this morning for our trip out . I have been a bit fed up these last few days with all the dull weather so we planned last night that we would have a run in the car today up to Scone Palace. This is the second week we have been trying to get there. Today seemed not too bad and we decided to get ready. My windows were a bit steamed up this morning so could not see out all that well and the outside temperature was -3.9c so a cold morning but we were sure things would get better. So an hour later breakfasted showered hair done picnic made flask filled Stuart packed the car. He came in and said cold morning out there. When I went out to the car the freezing fog had appeared from nowhere and we could hardly see across the road. Undeterred I got into the car followed by Stu then we both said together this is foolish its far too cold and we will never see anything in this weather. Did not want to unpack the car again straight away so we decided just to go for a morning coffee at our local garden centre (I think we should buy shares up there). It is still very foggy now an its 1 o'clock so I don't think its going to lift today. So that's the story of the trip that never was. Love and have a nice day.
Sunday, 29 January 2006
The Kidney Beans.
Hi, not a lot going on today, had a bit of lie in this morning till about 9 o'clock watched the final of the Men's Championship from Australia. First two sets were great then a bad line call that was correct in the end spoiled it and Federa ran away with it never mind sure the young player will have his day. We intended to visit our son and his wife and Ellen today but when we phoned there were out so that was the end of that idea. Have not seen them since 3rd of January so will try again next weekend. I did not intend to do an entry today but I have been reading all your comment about kidney beans and thought I had better put the record straight. I did not cook the haggis it was ready made and I only warmed it up in the microwave so if the kidney bean were not cooked right it was not me I am not taking the blame lol. Thank goodness we are much better now but that make of haggis is a no no from now on. Not been a very nice day here again the sun came out the afternoon for about 5 minutes and then vanished again maybe tomorrow will be better and we will get out birding still planning to go to Scone Palace first good day we get. Will close now and wish you all goodnight and God Bless. Joan.
Saturday, 28 January 2006
Hustle Bustle
Good Afternoon everybody, I hope you are all having a lovely Saturday. I have been very quiet this week that is because I have not been at my best. We have both had upset tums since we had our Burns Supper. Stuart and I are not vegetarians but sometimes we go for that option. Haggis is one of the times we do. We both love Vegetarian Haggis but this week it was not our normal brand and it was not until I was cooking it I noticed it had chopped up red kidney bean in it something I am not keen on if I have not cooked them myself.. I don't know if this is what caused the upset or if it was something else. Stuart has had bad indigestion all week and I have had colic and that has given me a lot of pain. Feeling much better today so much so we took a extra trip shopping in Perth. It was a bright morning a bit nippy but a nice morning. It is some time since we were uptown on a Saturday and we really enjoyed the hustle and bustle. It was not too busy so there was plenty of room. Did bits and pieces of shopping and bought a new blouse. Trying to get a few things together as we are going away to Ullapool in March for a few days. We are going to same hotel as we were in last year as we really enjoyed it then. Since we were there last year it has been bought over by Swallow Hotel Group so I hope they don't change it too much as it is a very homely hotel with roaring fires and good food. Bang goes the diet for a few day but cannot resist a cooked breakfast when I come down in the morning and its all laid out for you. Sorry to hear our dear friend Sara is having such a hard time just now and wish here well and will be thinking of here. That's about it from me for today enjoy the rest of your day Love,
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
Happy Birthday Rabbie
Evening, we have had a busy day today. Been to Perth as we usually do on Wednesday. Had an appointment with the optician for some new glasses. I wear Varifocals but find them annoying on the computer as you have to hold your head back so as I did not need a change this time I am having a pair just for reading and the PC. Lovely cold dry day here today much brighter than of late. Today being Burns Night (a very popular event up here in Scotland) whilst shopping we acquired the traditional Haggis which we shall have tonight along with neeps and tatties a truly fine supper especially when accompanied by a fine single Malt. Of all the works that Burns wrote and there are very many to my way of thinking one of the finest lines is
'O wad some pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us'
from To a Louse. on seeing one on a lady's bonnet at church.
Hope you all have a good Burns night. Love,
Monday, 23 January 2006
Monday Monday.
Good Afternoon, had a great morning being very lazy for a change and sitting watching the tennis from Australia. Martina Hingis has made such a remarkable comeback through to the quarter finals and just back after 4 year with injury. We then watched Roger Federa in his match he was awesome but it was a close thing as Tommy Haas played out of his skin really enjoyed it all. Did the hovering and the washing at the same time so was not too lazy. We have just come in from our walk and it is freezing out there. There is a wind blowing it seemed to be a westerly but it was a bit cold for that direction. Stu said it was taking the skin off his face. Well I think that's about all for just now at least the picture helps to fill out this entry. Love and take care.
The Answers
1. If a film was being made of your life, what actor or actress would you like to see in the lead?
A younger Elizabeth Taylor.
2. If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Majorca for the weather and the bird watching.
3. If you could meet someone famous (alive or dead) who would you choose and why?
David Attenburgh
4. What is your all time favourite film or book?
Its a trilogy by Wilbur Smith. River God- The Seventh Scroll-Warlock
5. If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?
My Height
6. If you could appear on a T.V. programme, which one would you choose?
Don't Know
7. If you were going out to dinner, what type of restaurant would you pick?
A Carvery
8. If you could invent a totally new gadget that would make your life easier, what would you like it to be?
Something to put the dishes away when they come out of the dishwasher (very lazy
9. If you could own a racehorse, what would you call it?
10. What is the most memorable event in your life so far?
After meeting Stuart passing my driving test .
12. What one thing annoys you the most?
Bad language.
13. If you could change your first name, what would you like to be called?
I would liked my name spelled Joanne..
14. If you were a keeper in a zoo, which animals would you most like to be in charge of?
15. Is there any actor/actress that you really dislike?
Kevin Spacey
First time I have done something like this enjoyed it. Love Joan.
Sunday, 22 January 2006
The first signs of Spring?
Hello, Stuart and I are just in from a long Sunday walk. It is a very mild morning with no wind. Other than the usual hip problem I really enjoyed it. We met a friend out walking his two West Highland Terrier so we had a rare natter as we walked along. On the way back after we left our friend I saw the first Snowdrops of the winter. There was also about 4 Crocus out in the same Garden. It is always very heart warming to see the very first sign of thing coming back to life. With the weather forecast for snow this week I suppose everything will go back to sleep again for another little while. So sad that the Bottled Nosed Whale died but that always seems to be the case when they come inshore. Did anyone else watch Rosemary and Thyme last night. I love that program as it is so beautifully mad. the weather is always sunny and the gardens are always delightful. I know its a murder thing but there is never any blood and gore. The acting is so good and there is never any bad language I just sit back and enjoy. So with that I will leave you to the rest of your Sunday and go and make some lunch. Love
Saturday, 21 January 2006
Very quiet Saturday.
Afternoon all, have not been out much the last few days as the weather has not been co-operating at all it we have had heavy rain, heavy drizzle, and heavy sleet, strong cold winds you name it and we have had it with the exception of snow that has yet to come. We were out for our usual coffee this morning and a trip down the village to collect repeat prescriptions. Since we got back we have been watching the whale in the Thames, I hope they are successful. and wish all the volunteers well.
I have been reading of late that there is great concern about the Albatross, these poor bird have getting killed in the thousands yes thousands by fishing lines that are laid out over 8 miles the albatross get caught up in these lines. All the fisherman need to do is tie ribbons to them every so often and that will keep the birds away it is such a shame as they are such a beautiful birds. We do not get them in the northern hemisphere, but one that stays in the Shetland Islands and the birdwatchers flock to see it when he is spotted. Sorry did not mean to make this a wildlife lesson but as will gather I feel very strongly about this. Am going now as I want to nip down and see how the whale is doing. Bye for now Love.
Thursday, 19 January 2006
Rain Thursday
Good Morning J-land, feeling rather guilty today I have not been doing my regular entries and don't like to miss days. Its a rotten morning here in Tayside heavy drizzle and a bit of wind. We were up in Perth doing the usual yesterday again never bought anything of consequence just have not seen anything that has taken my fancy at all, its probable because I am carrying a bit too much weight and I don't want to try anything on just now. Lost 2lbs last week so I have hade a start but boy have I got a long way to go. If I could grow about 5 inch I would look fine but being short it make it look worse. The town was very quiet yesterday it seems strange after all the rushing about before Christmas. I remember well January was a very long month when we were working waiting for payday as Stuart was monthly paid and in December you always were paid early so it made things a bit tight to say the least. When were sorting out our pensions we chose to have our State pension weekly and that works out great then Stuarts private pension is monthly, so it all works out well. Stuart has been out this morning putting 4 new tyres on the car so that that done for a long time we are fortunate here we have a tyre depot that does really good deals so we always go there. Are still playing the same Bookworm and we are now over two million shows how bad the weather has been for us to have all this time to play games, you are really lucky if you can get a few minutes to walk round the garden to see how the bulbs are coming on. Thing are looking not too bad out there some of the bulbs are through and I have a few winter pansies out and one or two Polyanthus but a little sun would not go wrong. Hope you all have a pleasant day, love,
Monday, 16 January 2006
Monday Monday.
Good Evening very late for me to be doing an entry but this is the first chance I've had all day with one thing and another. Were out this morning for coffee and then went an registered with the dentist still not pleased about this Denplan at all but what else can I do we have not been left with any choice in the matter. There are only two dentists in the village and the other one is not taking on any patients. This afternoon I settled down up here to play my Luxor Amun Rising that Santa brought me and Stuart came up and asked me to go for a walk I was really all cosy and warm but I did not want him going out alone you remember what happened the last time. When we came back we were sorting out a winter picture for Stuart to paint on Friday and we hade to enlarge it on the scanner it came out very well and we were really pleased with the results. Later we carried on with our Bookworm, still going. After tea it was just a quick telly for the soaps and then we were watching a special tape on gulls that we have just bought. You would not believe how many different kind of gulls there are and the take 3 years to become adults and they change plumage every year it is very difficult and you can only watch so much before you cannot take in any more. That's about it for today hope you have had a good Monday. Love
Sunday, 15 January 2006
Missing Saturday.
Good Morning, just a quick entry just now to let you know I'm still here. Yesterday we out all day for a run in the car around the coast of Fife. It was a glorious day sun and very mild. By the time we got home it was dark and we were both very tired and I did not even have the energy to read my emails or write an entry. We had a long walk with my scopack on my back and it just tired me out. (Scopack like a rucksack but fits a tripod and telescope specially made for the purpose. Will be updating my other journal later today but Biathlon is going to come on at 11 o'clock and I must see that. Hope you all have a good Sunday Love,
Friday, 13 January 2006
Friday the 13th.
Good Morning everyone, Well its Friday the 13th, its the day everybody thinks unlucky but I don't mind at all. As you know Stuart and met on Friday the 13th and got engaged on the same date. Today all's quiet here as the art classes have restarted today so I have the house all to myself for 2 hours. Rod is singing away and alls well with the world. The weather is dull damp and raining but I think the wind has gone done a bit. Have not been able to get out much with the weather but will try over the weekend. Watched the end of 'Lost' and it ended as I thought it would but it will be back in the Spring channel 4 has threatened, so we will just have to wait. Desperate housewives back next week so that will be great. I have not had long to wait for series two as we watched it for the first time on repeats. Hope it is as good and we won't be disappointed. Sorry to go on about the telly but there is not much doing just now to tell you about. Don't think I mentioned at Christmas I received a all in one printer copier scanner and have now got that up and running just about that is if I could get to put my hands on it. It is a lot quicker than my old printer which I was sorry to unplug as it never gave us any bother. We have been passing some our time on Bookworm and have got a new record for us but we have not burned down yet so I will let you know what the score was when that happens. That's it for just now and I hope you all have a great day. Love,
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
Good Evening, don't know what I am going to say at all tonight as there has not been much going on with me . Yesterday as a terrible day pouring rain and we were never out which as you know is very unusual. Stuart went round in the car for his paper the weather was so bad. Today cleared up but it was lashing as we walked from the car park into town in Perth today. Did the usual shopping in town and then the food shop at Tesco. What a uneventful day. Still trying hard to keep to our diet, going along not to bad at the moment. The last two parts of 'Lost' are on tonight so we will either watch that or tape it as the adverts drive me crazy on that station. Stuart nearly crashed the computer last night downloading a Sudoko game from the net I was downstairs (thank goodness) so did not see what happened but it sounded bad when he told me about it just goes to show you how careful you have to be. I am going to close now as I have got writers block or something tonight and can't think of anything else to say Goodnight and God Bless. Love
Monday, 9 January 2006
Good afternoon, today I am going to tell you about the last book I read. It was Chasing Men by Edwina Currie. As books go this one was not too bad it was one of those books that you read about 200 pages then think this is not much good especially when you have 3 or 4 books in your little pile just calling out to be read, but having read 200 pages I thought I will just finish it now. I had been struggling with this book for a few weeks mainly because the type was very small and I do most of my reading in bed during the winter, in summer its in the garden anyhow I got to the end the night before last all 372 pages of it not that long and at the very end its says "What do you think Hetty should do next. Email her at blah blah What happened could Edwina not think of an ending. To say the least I was very annoyed a book with no ending it was like the last two pages were missing. I have read some of her other books but this one was not up to scratch at all. Started a book that Santa brought to me believe it or not it at he first Harry Potter book Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K.Rowling. Have only read15 pages but at least the type face is a bit better and I have been wanting to read this for a while. Another dull damp day but we have been out and about for my travels today I will write them in My Bird watching Diary. Love
Saturday, 7 January 2006
Satarday's musings.
Good Afternoon, has anybody seen the sun it seems to have run away or something up here has not been seen since the first. It is another damp dark day not nice at all. We did the the weigh in this morning and after the shock have started our diet and get more exercise plan. It's very difficult to get you heart rate up when you are on 3 kinds of blood pressure pills but I will have to try as I really feel fat. All my skirts and trousers are tight and very uncomfortable and I can't wait till evening when I can put my dressing gown on its the only thing I possess that is comfy. We were out for our usual coffee this morning no home made scone today and we walked to the coffee shop and back too aren't we good, we usually go in the car so that was a good start. Not a lot happening today alls quiet on the northern front. Have been upset at all the dogs dying that's three in the last two weeks in J-land it seems really strange and I hope that is the end of it now. My heart goes out to those who have lost there best friend it is quite devastating. I think that about it for today wishing you a pleasant Saturday evening. Love
Friday, 6 January 2006
Modern Technology
Good morning Musing today and not bird watching. We bought a twin phone system back in April and have the most awful trouble with it. The phone side works fine and the internal link is so handy, but the answering machine is a nightmare. If someone phones and hangs up and does not leave a message once the machine has picked up
we cannot get it to clear away the none existing message. This morning Stuart has been setting the phone back to factory setting and putting all the phone numbers back in. I have had a break here as we have been for our walk. While walking Stuart phoned home on his mobile to make sure all was working OK. You will not believe what he said to the answering machine" If you do no clear this message when I get home you are going in the bin" talk about 'Fawlty Towers.' The problem with this phone is when these annoying call centres call whenever they hear a machine click on they hang up and when we get home we think we have a message and there is nothing there to play back or delete we try to delete it but the light keeps flashing and it is so annoying as it keeps catching your eye. When we came in just now Stuart cleared the message he left no bother at all so it will not be in the bin today. Cold dark day up here and the rain is just starting so we won't be out again today. I know I said good morning at the start and it was when I started this but I got dragged out for our walk halfway through. Will have to go now and get the lunch made. Love and take care.
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Thank You
Hello J-land, Stuart has asked me to say thank you to you all for the good wishes, he said they were so unexpected and he was really touched by them. The family dinner went well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The table will be staying downstairs as have missed it if only for somewhere to put a vase of flowers. We have been out shopping in Perth today a lovely day when we arrived but very cold and frosty then after lunchtime a fog descended on us and it turned out a horrible day. Will have to go now and see about something to eat. Hope you have had a good day Love
Tuesday, 3 January 2006
Stuarts Birthday.
Good Afternoon, After the flitting yesterday the table is all set the cooking nearly all done and I am ready for the visit. The family are coming today for a New Year-Stuarts Birthday dinner. I have hade a very busy morning but everything is now done so I thought I would take a wee seat for a few minutes. Everything looks good I've made Brown Lentil soup Steak pie and a bought Pavlova which I wish I hadn't as the strawberries look a bit yucky on the top all 4 of them. LOL. Still hopefully the cream will hide them a bit. Did not feel very well this morning when I got up maybe I was a bit nervous I don't know I seem to get a bit panicky at the least thing now maybe its an age thing as I am a perfectly good cook so Stuart says and he's been eating my cooking for a lot of years. Well Stuart is 66 today where have all the years gone. He was only 18 when we first met and I was 15 and just started to work, in fact it was my first day at work when we were first introduced at a bus stop how romantic. I will wish Stuart a Very Happy Birthday and hope he has a happy day today, with our small family just Richard Lisa Ellen and me. Better go now and see to the last minute things. Bye for now love
Monday, 2 January 2006
The Flitting.
Good Afternoon, we have been having a really busy day today. Do you remember me telling you I had put my dinning room table upstairs to put the computer on when we moved it back up there a while ago, and said at the time we did not need it well, the family are coming to dinner tomorrow and guess what I am going to need the table down the stairs again. I can tell you I am not a popular person at the moment as it was my idea to take the table upstairs in the first place. How could I have been so silly. What made it such a job is it is a round table with two folding leaves when we took it upstairs in October when we arrived at the study door it would not go through so undeterred I suggest we take the leaf off. It was attach with a piano hinge and was held by 15 screws so Stuart had a job getting it off. So today after we had got it downstairs again the leaf had to be put back on, so you can see why I'm not very popular today. The table was My Mum and Dads and is solid wood and is very heavy into the bargain I do get some strange ideas at times but that's just me and it has given me something to tell you about today when there is not a lot happening here. I have put the steak for the steak pie for tomorrow into my slow cooker which I had mislaid but found again thank goodness as nothing makes stewing steak like it so that will be all ready for tomorrow. I have started my Bird watching Diary Journal and I will leave the link at the end of this entry so if you wand to pay a visit you are most welcome. Lots of Love ,
Sunday, 1 January 2006
A lovely walk
Stuart and I had a lovely walk today out by Loch Leven whish is very close to our home. It was a perfect day for walking absolutely no wind a cloudless sky and very mild. The water was like a Mill Pond not a ripple anywhere. There were a lot more people out today than we normally meet on that particular walk but with it being the first day of a new year everybody is on holiday well nearly everybody. We started of our new bird list and were reasonable pleased at the result. So 30 down we only need about 150 more species for a good year. I am thinking of starting a Bird Watching journal to keep all my notes of walks and sightings in if I do I will let you have the link so you can read it if you like but I realize its not for everybody. Well I think that's all for now I had better let Stuart on here as he will have to start his notes for the year and I will get on with making the dinner. Love to you all