Good Afternoon, what a dreary day it is today. The snow has gone after some very heavy rain this morning, a good day to be in and cosy in front of the telly like Stu who is cheering on Scotland in the rugby
but as we are playing the All Blacks I am not holding out much hope for a good result. Have managed to get the house heated up properly today. Yesterday was a nightmare, we have this giant window in the lounge it must be 9ft wide and floor to ceiling and it is not double glazed. The wind was in the north yesterday and the room did not heat up all day. We have thought long and hard about double glazing the windows but it would cost an awful lot of money. Now we are retired it is not so easy to save and the thought of taking out a large sum like that is frightening as you do not have the means to put it back, but I think we will have to have the lounge window done sooner rather than later. We had cavity wall insulation done 2 years ago and the made a big difference so we will see. Had a surprise visit from our son and granddaughter yesterday afternoon. Ellen had been to the docs for inoculations so although they have moved they are still with the same doctor for the moment. She is getting so big its had to believe she is only 4 and a bit.
Well I can't think of anything else for today I think I have done my usual rambling hope you are all well and have pleasant Saturday its Strictly Come Dancing for me. Love and take care
Saturday, 26 November 2005
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Hi Joan - Love your Hello Graphic - Cheers up a dreary day. And I would love to see Scotland beat the All Blacks - I'll cheer them those slatted Blinds would keep warmth in your lounge - we had them fitted in our conservatory - and it made a great difference in the Winter...Or perhaps you could get a grant to help as you are both retired...hope you get it sorted.....Ally
Ok, Black Friday...Over here in America, we are big on the shopping end of Christmas. (I'm not but let's not get into my views on America's downward spiral.) All day on Thanksgiving and before there are ads and such for big sales. On the day after Thanksgiving, or BLACK FRIDAY, shoppers line up outside stores for their early bird openings at 5 or 6am. There are huge sales as much as 50-75% off til around noon, sometimes all day. The stores are in mass histeria, gigantic crowds running around the stores. Some stores are quiet and peaceful and the experience can be fun and enjoyable, but most stores are crowded, noisy, and sometimes tempers flare. The news features a dad and his son buying a bunch of electronics for the Christmas season and gifts. The total came to over $1000 (U.S.) but I guess they saved probably $700. Whatever...I don't think it's worth loosing your soul over.
BTW...Rugby...I was in New Zealand in 2003...saw 2 All Blacks games on TV....I'll have to root for them! (Though because of my uncle I'm a Manchester City fan for soccer..going against the grain isn't it?)
Hubby and I used to rent a flat with huge great windows in the living room, we froze in the winter!!! Honestly, that flat was so cold, with the heating on, that you could see your breath!! Hope you manage to stay warm my dear.
Sara x
pleased you managed to warm up,it has been cold hasnt it ,Allys idea of blinds might be the answer for your big window ,That and thick curtains ...........Jan xx
That's nice of your son and granddaughter to visit you :-) Sounds a pain that window - hope you can get something sorted wouldn't want you to be too cold.
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