Good Afternoon, First of all I would like to thank all of you that sent me greeting for my birthday it was very good of you to take the time to send them to me it was really appreciated. I had a very nice day with Stuart and we had a visit from our son and granddaughter. Ellen was not her cheerful self yesterday as she had had a bad night with a cough and did not get her proper rest. Richard had been in charge as our daughter in law was at a candle party and he had been pleased that his latest edition of his beloved cycling magazine had arrived that morning so he though he was going have the evening to himself as Ellen is usually a very good sleeper but Ellen had other ideas and he was up and down to her all evening so the magazine was not read. Poor Richard he does not get much time to himself as he has to travel to work as well. Oh well no doubt he will survive.
Last night was the opening of the Art Exhibition so We were out and about at that and it was lovely and the paintings all looked very good. The studio where it was taking place was packed out for the two and a half hour we were there. By the time we got home we were absolutely exhausted with standing all that time and to think of it just a year ago I stood all day sometimes obviously have lost the knack of that . One of the ladies in Stuart Art Class makes some lovely silver jewellery so I am going to go back and have another look as it would make nice Christmas gifts.
It is hard to believe that it exactly 1 year since I retired and the time has gone by so quickly. I was in my old store this morning and the girls can't understand how I pass the time but never find it a problem there is always something to do comments to write journal entries to try to write and get sorted out the first time of asking someday it takes me the best part of 2 hours not so much now as I use front page to write it in and I can save it there before I transfer it over and it has a lovely spell check on it great. As you will have noticed my mood is back to my cheery self thank goodness the clouds are all away, thank you for the support and trying to cheer me up the last few days. Well I think that will be all for today and wish you a happy day. (Harry Potter 2 a 5-15pm if you did not know ITV1)
How lovely for you to have visitors on your birthday...Sorry Richard never got to read his the exhibition went well...would love to see some of those painting.....So glad you are feeling happier today - hate to think of you feeling down....Take Care....Ally
Glad you are feeling happier :o)
Sara x
So pleased you had a nice birthday dear ,The art exihibition sounded interesting ,Ilike the sound of the silver jewelry too ,,,,,,,,,,,,Jan xx
Just catching up Joan, sorry I missed your birthday, sending a hug for yesterday. Interested to know about "front page"?
Sylvia xx
So sorry I missed your birthday - I am going to blame the fact I am behind on journal alerts ;-) Hope you had a really good day and got everything you wanted :-) Bless you xx
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