Good Evening I sat down here at 8 o'clock and it has taken me 25 minutes to load the graphics I wanted to use. I know I am only on Silver broadband but that length of time is not acceptable. It must be our weekend for things breaking down. On Friday evening Stuart had to make a phone call to verify his car insurance and we discovered our phone was out of order. After speaking to machinery for about 10 minutes this clever none person diverted all our call to Stuarts mobile. The engineer called us yesterday afternoon and after a lots of plugging and unplugging it turned out it was our phone that was shorting the system. That's the same phone I was ranting about a few weeks back, fortunately we have BT phone in the kitchen that we have had for years and that is OK so we will just have to use that till we go to town. Next the electric kettle fused the power socket in the kitchen at teatime just as we were about to have coffee. I have a spare in the shed but it is total darkness out there and we do now have power to the shed. I remembered I have a travel kettle in the kitchen cupboard so I rummaged about and found that so that is what we will have to us until tomorrow morning. All in all what was to be a quiet weekend turned out to be very eventful after all. Goodnight I'm off to watch Miss Marple and its Midsomer murder next Sunday. Lots of love and enjoy the rest of the evening. Love
Hi Joan, our kettle has started playing up today as well. I hope it doesn`t go wrong yet as I don`t have a spare, it must be the time of year for appliance failures! :o(
Sandra xxxx
Hi Joan think how much you will save on leccy,using the picnic kettle..........Jan xx
I love the butterfly graphic. It sounds like you've had a bad day with electrical appliances!! Lucky you have a travel kettle, I've had to resort to using mine at times. Jeannette.
Took me ages to upload my photos and graphics today as well. AOL just did not want to know them so I do not think it is just you. Well, they say everything goes wrong at once but at least you have the travel kettle. Gave Miss Marple a miss tonight as I wanted to watch the ice dancing at the Olympics, boy did one of the women take a fall!
Sounds like a nightmare at yours this weekend. Hope you get everything sorted tomorrow ;-) At least you had the travel kettle I couldn't live without a cuppa!!
Your graphic is awesome. Sorry about everything breaking down at once. Isn't that always the way? Dawn
Joan your graphic is really pretty.....
Sorry about everything that has gone wrong - lets hope your can sort it all out today (Monday)...When my kettle went wrong I didn't have a resorted to boiling a saucepan - as I was desperate for a cuppa...Hope you enjoyed Miss Marples....Ally
Hi! the Rose Graphic
It seems to be the time for'Appliances' to go wrong.
I had new Microwave and Vac Cleaner recently, love the new M.Wave, but do miss my 'Old' Vacuum cleaner (lol) 28yrs old
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