Well that's us back from our short holiday we had a great time the weather for the most was good with the exception of Tuesday when the rain just kept on and on most of the day. Will tell all when I get the pictures sorted out, have had a quick look and am very disappointed must get this camera thing sorted soon as I did take some great shots but the camera has just not been up to the job asked of it maybe I expect too much.
Only had one small mishap we were standing a reception one morning and the thermos flask fell out of the picnic bag and of course smashed into a thousand pieces. Never mind said we will just nip down to the village and get a new one. Stuart ran me down in the car and I bought a new one all tartan very nice. When I went back into the hotel the manager offered to fill it in the kitchen for me to save me having to go back up to our room to boil the little kettle twice. Great, that saved a bit of time as it was marching on and we were going for a big run in the car to Durness (that's as far as the road goes in the north west corner of Scotland).
When we stopped for our lunch I discovered a big puddle in the back of the car, would you believe it the new flask was leaking like a sieve. I wrapped it up in a towel as we needed the hot water for later as there is not a lot of Cafe Costa's or Starbucks in the Highlands. Next morning I took it back it then cost me another £3-50 for another flask as I did not want to chance the same tartan one again. £9-99 for a small Thermos ridiculous I saw the same type only the next size up (the same as the one I broke) for £7-50 in Tesco.s on the way home when I nipped in for milk and bread. So that's my mishap, the rest of the holiday was uneventful tranquil and very enjoyable on lovely quiet roads lovely elderly people in the hotel on a bus tour so all in all a great time was had.
Will post the pictures later in the week after I try to do something with them. Have a nice day.
Nice to see you back ,and pleased you had a good time apart from the flask grr ,I look forward to seeing your pictures,and hearing what you have been reading ...love Jan xx
you will always remember this nice trip for more than one reason now. So happy you had a nice time,
Oh! thats so maddening Joan isn't it Grr.I am sorry you had thel eak in the car.Blumming flasks.I have had that a few times believe me when we have gone rides out.After all the manager helped you too to fill it.grr.I hadn't realised you were on a break in my last comment to you.Still I suppose I was still half asleep from coming back from mine and still jet lagged LOL!! I am looking forward to your pics.I am not very good with camera's anyway.After taking many of my pics which turned out dark ,my son told me on the phone they would be a setting on it for nightime and I had no idea LOL!! So I am waiting for him to send me all he has taken on his camera to me.His being a much better one than mine anyways.I hope you get yours sorted.Sounds like you enjoyed your break anyway I am so happy that you did.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I`m glad you both enjoyed your holiday Joan. How annoying about the flasks. Jim uses a metal one when he goes fishing because I know he would break a glass one...lol! Looking forward to your photos. :o)
Love Sandra xxxx
I'm so pleased you had a good time and a real break. Got the same probs as you with camera, it eather takes pics too white or too dark (despite trying every setting in the book), or ppics look "foggy". Time I got a new one. Take care.
Love Sylvia xx
Welcome back! Can't wait to see the holiday snaps. I am so glad you had decent weather for the most of it. Nothing spoils a holiday more than lousy weather! Looking forward to hearing more!
I'm glad you had a good time apart from the mishaps with the Thermos! They can be a nuisance, I've had my share of leaky ones. I can't wait to see the pics, I'm so looking forward to my trip there next month, we stay at Ballachulish for a week. I hope yours and Stuarts hips aren't still sore. Jeannette xx
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