Good Afternoon, just a short entry as I wanted to share with you this wonderful website. It shows live coverage from the Osprey eyrie at Loch Garten here in Scotland. We watched for a short while last night and saw the birds changing over incubation duties and the female turning the three eggs it was fascinating to watch. If you right click on the picture once you get the feed you can get full screen by clicking zoom 100%. Hope you take a look. It will be a lot more interesting when the chicks hatch in about month or so then there will be a lot more activity.
It has been another dreadful morning of rain here today our planned trip to Edinburgh on the bus was cancelled as it was so bad. Remember the last time we went in January when we had monsoon conditions so we will try again tomorrow.
That’s about it for now hope you enjoy our Ospreys. Love
it is good isn't it I remember going to Loch Garten years ago to see them
I've clicked and clicked the link but all I get is an error page! Jeannette xx
I've got it now Joan! I copied and pasted half of the link into the browser and managed to find it. He/she is gorgeous and extremely alert too! I remember the story of these two! I hope we have none of the shenanigans displayed last year with the eggs being tossed out of the nest! Jeannette xx
Sorry you are getting rain again we have bright sunshine ,just going to have a look , Jan xx
Hi Joan yes we have had rain most of the day again too.I have just come in from shopping about half an hour ago and I was soaked LOL!!I copied and pasted the link into google and got straight there.I will watch later this evening..Thanks for sharing.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand
Hope you manage to get to Edinburgh tomorrow xx the website sounds interesting :o)
The weather is still lovely here Joan ~ hope you manage to get your trip to Edinburgh today ~ I am now going to have a look at the Ospreys ~ Ally x
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