Friday, 23 December 2005




Oh dear have I been in big trouble. After me thinking I was well ahead with Christmas chores disaster struck.  Last night I went to ice my cake, something I have done many many times before but not like this.  I had bought Royal Icing sugar that's the one you just add water to. and Bobs your Uncle Ha, not last night.   It said on the packet to add 5 x15ml spoons of water now, I did not have that kind of measuring spoon mine said it was in cc's. I thought, silly me it would be about the same, oh no its not. So now I have the royal icing and the water in mixer and it won't thicken.  Idea I'll add more icing sugar, look in cupboard for packet none found.  Never mind Joan you can make some. Out comes the mill attachment for the mixer and in goes caster sugar (are you with me so far),  switch on and start grinding after a few seconds we have icing sugar, so I added it to the runny icing and low and behold the whole thing turned a pale shade of grey don't know what caused this but it looked awful.  So here I am a 8o'clock at night with this grey runny mess. Undeterred I got my coat on and headed off in the car to the local Supermarket they only had icing sugar so I headed off to another corner shop.  It was one of those evening that seemed to be extra dark and it was heavy drizzle as well but I kept going regardless.  Other shop did not have any either. Headed back home to assess the situation.  What am I going to do. By this time it was about a quarter to nine the kitchen which is never like a palace at any time looked as if a bomb had struck. So I set to with a helping hand from Stuart to get it back to normal.  We then sat down to Die Hard 1 which we have seen before but it was very relaxing after all the troubles of the evening.  Did not sleep well at all thinking what to do about my cake.  This morning I went to the only remaining shop in the village and they only had icing sugar as well.  I did not want to have to go up to Perth and face a very busy Asda or Tesco so I bought the icing sugar came home and started to make my royal icing the proper way with the egg whites etc even found I had enough a lemon juice to do the job.  Thank goodness it went like a dream. The cake is now iced and looking very nice and all the panic is over. I still have all my wrapping to do but at least the cake will have a bit of time to dry off, but it just would not be Christmas if I did not have a least one panic.  Better go now and do some of the wrapping. Bye and love      


Anonymous said...

I was really panicking for you - wonder why it turned grey.....Good luck with the wrapping of pressies - and take a pic of that master piece would love to see how it turned out - Ally

Anonymous said...

I cheat and use the roll out icing now, mainly cos Rob has trouble getting through the Royal icing. I am not overkeen on the fondant icing but as long as it means he can eat his Christmas Cake easily then I am happy with that. Making the yule cake tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

OH PANIC STATIONS!pleased you got it right in the end ,take a piccy for us lol ......................Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the icing went well...:)  

Anonymous said...

What an adventure, lol!!
Glad you got it sorted in the end, you will smile when you eventually get to eat it ;o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear (the icing) I usually buy ready made, but Allan made it tonight.Never knew you used egg whites (where have I been?)
I did the finishing touches!

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet the cake is beautiful.. wish I could see it and have a bite with some tea with you... I'm new to reading your journal. My name is Sandra and I live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. :)  Merry Christmas