Not my garden wish it was.
Good Morning, had a very frustrating morning so far today. When I got up it was a beautiful morning and thought great I will get the bed changed before we go away on Saturday, so set too and stripped the bed and put the washing on. By the time we were ready to go out to do some errands the washing was ready to peg out great says she. So washing blowing in the sunshine off we went. After our coffee a trip down the village with a suitcase to collect our repeat prescriptions for taking with us on holiday was necessary. Yes you've guessed it on the way the rain came on. For once could it not have stayed dry just for another couple of hours I had been so pleased to get ahead as I still have a lot to do before we go. This might be my last entry just now as we have Ellen tomorrow afternoon and she has a Skiing lesson a two o'clock which we are taking her to. She has been having them at her nursery on the dry ski slope there. (The nursery she attends is attached to the school) It was very hard work when she stared a the age of three as she had to be carried up the slope every time but now she is big enough to use the tow so we should manage as neither Stuart or I would be able for that as she is a big girl. Well better go and put some more washing in the tumble drier.
. Love
How very frustrating ,just when you are busy with a thousand things to do ,Its sunny and warm here today ,cant believe how nice it is ,if you dont get back before you go,you both have a lovely holiday ..and look forward to hearing all about it when you get back ,with lots of pictures .......Jan xx
Maddening isn't it when that happens!!!!!! Wow to Ellen though..I had never heard of tots taught(hahah) to ski at nursery before. Great idea ...wish I had been!! Have a great holiday Eve
Sorry about the rain coming early... I got my clothes lines up yesterday so now I can hang out again. I do not hang everything but its so nice to have fresh sheets and some of my shirts need hanging out too... If I don't hear from you again before you leave I want to wish you a plesant trip and a little fun along the way. Sandra
Joan sorry about the rain there is nothing worse than thinking you will get it all dry on the line ~ then it pours ~ glad you remembered your prescriptions ~ and don't forget to pack the camera ~ How lovely Ellen has been learning to ski since she was 3 ~ Have a lovely holiday the sun is still shining here in Norfolk ~ Ally
Hi Joan, thanks for visiting my new blog and leaving a message - isn't it great when people agree with one's rants? :O)
BTW, are you and I the only ones who still hang washing outside on a proper clothes line?
Hello! Joan
Sorry about the weather...been wonderful here in South Yorkshire.
I've dried two loads outside!
Know how busy it is when you are going on holiday! but it will get done believe me.
Take care
That must be so annoying to get the washing done and have it poured on. I have a fl;at so have to dry all mine indoors now. If you don't do another entry before you go have a wonderful time on holiday, look forward to seeing photos when you return. Jeannette xx
Have a grate holiday, we are off in the caravan for week end, with the dog.cant fit a horse
hi Joan...
what a beautiful garden you have...I will pop in again shortly! Take care...
hi Joan...
what a beautiful garden you have...I will pop in again shortly! Take care...
Had to read back to see where you're off to, lol! Norfolk, how lovely. I hope you have a fab time and that the sun shines beautifully for you while you're there :o)
Sara x
I hope the weather gets better soon.
By for now,
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