Good Evening the time is now 9. 10 pm and the sun is streaming in over my shoulder it is a lovely evening up here hardly a cloud in the sky just the way the day started. In between we have had some dark clouds some fluffy clouds and a lot of sunshine not much heat as we have a cold northerly wind but still all in all a pleasant day.. Stuart and I took off to St Andrews this morning a lovely run in the car it takes us about 50 minutes to get there. The countryside is looking at its very best just now with all the fresh green leaves on the trees. Lilac and Laburnum is in full bloom along with the Clematis. We had a nice stroll around this beautiful old town bought yet another book, today it was Double Eagle by James Twining. It was one of the books that W H Smith sell in conjunction with The Times newspaper. You can buy one any day of the week when you buy that newspaper and it is a different one every week. Sometimes it is something I fancy other time not but it is a good way of trying new authors. The book costs 99 pence (Just over a dollar for those of you on the other side of the pond) +60 pence the price of the paper. I think it is a very good deal. It then takes Stuart all evening to read the paper. Bought a new toilet brush today as I have been trying out these new disposable ones but have found the pretty hopeless and I had thrown away my old brush when I started to use them (Said in the title tonight they were musing for Tuesday). Later we did the weekly shop in Morrison's just for a wee change. We were just about finished when Stuart took on of his very tired spells. It washes over him very quickly and there's not a lot we can do except find a seat and wait till it passes. Morrison's had a nice cafe so we went in there and had a coffee and a biscuit until he felt a bit better. Thankfully it passed but is very worrying at the time. There does not seem to anything in particular that causes it to happen it can even start up in the house while he is sitting. He is now sitting with his Times and watching the football at the same time he's clever that way. Well I think that's me for today oh forgot to say the flower picture I asked you to name was a Horse Chestnut well done to those who got it right. I had never seen one up close before and I just thought if was very beautiful. Goodnight all and God Bless. Love,
Thanks to D's Design.
The book sounds a bargain and it certainly is a good way of finding other authors. Hope Morris has been checked by the doctor. I get periods like that sometimes it happens when my blood sugars go too high but you have probably had it checked and it is not that. Anyway, if he was walking around the shops, that would not have been the cause as exercise brings sugars down.
Hello Joan,
I found myself talking about toilet brushes in my journal a year ago, we bought one from a catalogue and had to wait 6 mths for it to arrive so it was a continuing! I hope Stuart is alright now after his `tired` spell, it must be quite worrying. Jim`s watching the football too but he`s not reading the paper, for now at any rate, he does at! I was right about the Horse Chestnut...hooray! :o))
Sandra xxxxx
Your day was eventful too ,we finished up shopping in Saitsburys we had parked on their car park ,I got the wool I needed .I think Jeannette has sent Maurice up for you lol can I have Stuart then ?in the nicest possible way of course ....Jan xx
We had that cold northerly wind down here too! I didn't know WH Smith had that offer on I'll check them out one day. Has Stuart been checked by his doctor? It must be worrying. The horse chesnut blossoms are very pretty, I got it right too! Jeannette xx
Hi, so glad the sun shone today, and the way you describe the countryside makes me glad that we both live in lovely areas where we see nature at its best.
What a good idea W H Smith has selling books with a paper ~ hope Stuart is OK it must be a worry for you when he takes a tired spell ~ doe's the Doctor know why this happens ~ perhaps it is due to the medication he is on ~ (of course knowing you, you would have checked everything out) ~ I never realised what a beautiful flower the Horse Chestnut has I would never have guessed what it was ~Ally
You know, I love the way you describe things m'dear, I can almost picture you and Stuart out in the countryside amongst all the lilac and laburnum, beautiful :o)
Sara x
LOL I reckon you get that book deal just to keep Stuart occupied in the evenings lol ;-) It does sound like a great deal. What did you find wrong with those disposable brushes ~ I was thinking of trying them - If not then I definitely need a new one - but I shan't go into that in your comment section lol.......
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