Good Afternoon, I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday whatever you are doing or not doing. Here in our house Sunday morning is ‘Countryfile’ on BBC1 we both enjoy this programme so much so I always make a big pot of coffee and we sit down together and watch this wonderful program. It is very diverse and there is always something of interest for everybody. Today it came from the North Devon coast and had items from all over the country. If you like country matters or are looking for a good variety of subjects this is the programme for you I really do recommend it.
It has been a dreadfully cold week here I would say it has been the coldest of the winter. We took a run around Tayside on Monday and ended up in a wee blizzard. I have posted some pictures for you they are not a good as I hoped we would get as although we left home to a cloudless sky it clouded over very quickly and spoiled things a bit. It was so cold we did not get out the car very much only to take the photos and even then the ones with the Highland Cattle were taken in heavy snow as you can see.
After a winter of staying clear of colds and flu I have succumbed this week to a very chesty cough not enough to keep me down but it can be annoying at times still I have done well to keep clear of the lurgie this long. I blame a lady that coughed on me in a shop last week she did not even cover her mouth such bad manners.
Am sitting by the telly and the sun is shining so brightly in Spain as Stuart is watching Moto GP (Motorbike Racing) which will be followed by the track cycling from Manchester the World Championships we have done so well with 9 cold medals so far and more chances today.
I think that about all my musings for today so till next time. Bye bye.
PS This sport on the telly has just chenged to cross county running from Edinburgh and yes you have guessed its raing and cold strange as its only twenty odd miles from me and the sun is shinning here.