Friday, 1 August 2008

Everything is OK






Hi thats it all done the problem we had was we could not find the Wireless Connection Key on the keyboard as we did not know what to look for when mine came the Wireless connection was already on. Nevermind Stuart is a happychappy upstairs playing with his new toy and I'm off to make the tea.  Have a great evening Love,




Anonymous said...

Oh well done! Im pleased your up and running, so thats one happy chappie Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found out the problem.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you got it fixed and you are both now happy. It is so quiet on journals, never known it like this.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got it sorted, it's always hard when you're unfamiliar with it isn't it? Have a great weekend, we have rain and wind here today.... again! Jeannette xx