Good Afternoon, it is another lovely day here lovely sunshine a bit cold but for February its wonderful weather.
We were out on Valentines Day and I took the picture at the top thinking it was very fitting for the occasion. We were having a wee run in the car and the usual coffee and a home made scone at a nice place we know.
We were going to be having another of my walks today but unfortunately the batteries in my camera packed up after just three pictures. I put the batteries in the day before but they obviously had not been charged properly as I only took about 12 pictures with them when the died on me. Stuart is getting the blame as he keeps switching the batteries off at night when they are charging up then I think they are ready and unplug them. I will take some of the blame as I should carry my spares in my pocket and I always forget. To make matters worse that day I had offered Stuart the other camera but he said he would just stick to his binoculars or we could have taken some photos with my old Nikon.
We have been watching the World Biathlon Championships this last week from Sweden they have been very exciting with many close races. Unfortunately UK don’t do well at all at this event don’t think our skiers start young enough to be able to compete with the Scandinavians the Germans and the other winter sports countries.
Am going to have a little rant now…. I was wondering what BBC were going to show next Saturday instead of The One and Only. Starting in the afternoon they are showing Three yes Three rugby matches back to back with only a break for the news then we are having Match of the Day after that. How’s that for Saturday evening viewing I think its absolutely appalling and they wonder why people say that there is far to much sport on telly. What do you think about this or is it just me?
I think that’s about it for today so till next time.
Love Joan.