Wednesday, 11 January 2006


Good Evening, don't know what I am going to say at all tonight as there has not been much going on with me .  Yesterday as a terrible day pouring rain and we were never out which as you know is very unusual. Stuart went round in the car for his paper the weather was so bad. Today cleared up but it was lashing as we walked from the car park into town in Perth today.  Did the usual shopping in town and then the food shop at Tesco. What a uneventful day. Still trying hard to keep to our diet, going along not to bad at the moment.  The last two parts of 'Lost' are on tonight so we will either watch that or tape it as the adverts drive me crazy on that station.  Stuart nearly crashed the computer last night downloading a Sudoko game from the net I was downstairs (thank goodness) so did not see what happened but it sounded bad when he told me about it just goes to show you how careful you have to be. I am going to close now as I have got writers block or something tonight and can't think of anything else to say  Goodnight and God Bless.  Love



Anonymous said...

Do not worry, it happens to us all.  I mean day after day is much the same and you do run out of ideas sometimes.  Glad your computer did not crash. Have not seen the programme you mention but all the ads on satellite drive me mad, there are just far too many of them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan just like to know you are both OK   hope the rain stops and you can go Bird watching and show us some of the beautiful birds you have .good luck with the diet....Ally

Anonymous said...

Hi my dear yes it happens some times the inspiations just wont come ,its been a lovely day here the sun was out for a while but when it went in it turned cold ,   Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan, we had terribly wet weather all night and this morning but by this afternoon we had bright sunshine, we never know what the weather`s going to throw at us these!

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I almost got into Lost, after watching a couple of episodes, but missed too much for it to make sense, lol!  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Sometimes dull days are useful to make up for the ones where you're so busy you just want to scream.  That's how I feel sometimes.  
Weather here in Illinois---waiting for it to get cold again for SNOW!  Where is it?  Are the English hiding it?

Anonymous said...

Hi1 Joan
I watched 'Lost' from the beginning, only missed 2 or 3 of 20 episodes. The acting is good, and I have to 'like' the Actors of a Drama also. It ended on a cliffhanger, New series soon, don't know if I will contnue now...I look forward to Desperate Housewifes - love the Women in that! especailly Bree(sp)

Anonymous said...

ugh I think that weather is coming down here soon :-(  Why can't it just be nice and sunny but with a feeling of freshness!!  I know what you mean about the ads they drive me crazy too!!

Anonymous said...

I have almost crashed our computer on more than one occasion so I am no longer allowed to add any new software on the pc without hubby's knowledge. :)