Hi, not a lot going on today, had a bit of lie in this morning till about 9 o'clock watched the final of the Men's Championship from Australia. First two sets were great then a bad line call that was correct in the end spoiled it and Federa ran away with it never mind sure the young player will have his day. We intended to visit our son and his wife and Ellen today but when we phoned there were out so that was the end of that idea. Have not seen them since 3rd of January so will try again next weekend. I did not intend to do an entry today but I have been reading all your comment about kidney beans and thought I had better put the record straight. I did not cook the haggis it was ready made and I only warmed it up in the microwave so if the kidney bean were not cooked right it was not me I am not taking the blame lol. Thank goodness we are much better now but that make of haggis is a no no from now on. Not been a very nice day here again the sun came out the afternoon for about 5 minutes and then vanished again maybe tomorrow will be better and we will get out birding still planning to go to Scone Palace first good day we get. Will close now and wish you all goodnight and God Bless. Joan.
Good morning, and good evening to you too! Boy what a time difference!
Hi Joan, I presume you`ve not been very well? I`ve not had alerts from you for a couple of days...bah AOL!!! I do hope you are better now though. I won`t touch kidney beans and been known to use baked beans in their place, i.e. chilli :o)
Glad you feel better now. Don't blame you for not using that brand of haggis anymore, I like to cook my own kidney beans to make sure they're done right!! Hope the sun shines on you this week! Jeannette.
Glad you decided to do an entry Joan, and also glad you are both feeling better, I bet the Haggis is definitely a no no from the makers of that one. Wonder if it was the Kidney Beans......We had the sun shine
all day today but it has been freezing cold...to cold to snow....Hope you have your day out Bird watching do look forward to those entries...I have a little Robin in the garden and when he sees me at the window he jumps on the wall and I go get something for him to eat and he comes on the window ledge when I leave something for him...but not until I have closed the window..I feel quite privileged that he is there...Ally
Yes Joan its been very cold here too ,I'm pleased Stuart and you are recovering from your tummy pains,It will soon be better weather and you can go off and look out for some birds again ,the afternoons are already staying lighter longer ,........Jan xx
Sorry you could not visit your son. I am surprised because I did not think that Haggis had kidney beans in it, not traditional haggis. Good idea that you are not going to buy it again.
Scone Palance sounds YUMMY!!
Hi! Joan hope you are feeling better,
Love the 'Graphic'
I've been quite close to 'Scone Palace'
I'm off now for a few days...
Take care
Sorry if you thought I was blaming you regarding the chilli beans that certainly was not my intention at all :-( Glad you had a good day and are feeling better.
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