Friday, 16 June 2006

Garden Seeds.


Good Afternoon J-Land, the picture today is of the little oasis we found in the woods the other day where I found the Northern Marsh Orchid.  There were also growing there,  lovely Flag Iris. They were a wee bit past their best but I thought they were worth a shot.  As you know Friday is my morning as I call it and I have been thinking as most of us are keen gardeners or have gardens which we help with, my idea is what if we were to do a seed swap.  We have lots of seeds in our gardens going to waste and I thought it would be nice if we could share these. Would'nt it be nice to look next summer and say I got that seed from .......when the flowers come up.  It would not cost very much just the price of a second class or first class stamp even if you were doing a few.  Think about it and let me know what you think.   Its not such a great day here today quite overcast but very mild. Think we are having a run in the car this afternoon to our local RSPB reserve to see what's about and maybe get a breath of air.  My eyes have been so sore with the pollen I have hardly been able to use the PC the last few days.  Ellen was very tired when we picked her up they had been out playing in the sun and she had overdone things her cheek were scarlet and it took ages ot get her cooled down.  She managed to eat her tea OK and then the Jaffa cakes took a hit she says they are here favourites. Well better go now and make some lunch. Bye for now. Love 


Anonymous said...

Hello! Joan...Iris are one of my favourites, love the Cottage Garden flowers (which I have tried to create)
Great Idea about the Seed 'swap'..
Love Jaffa Cakes....but only in moderation...I am allowed a small amount of Sugar.

Anonymous said...

The seed swap sounds like a great idea, I don't have a garden and living on the 17th floor it's so windy up here any plants I've tried to grow end up with wind burn. I'm sure others would be interested though. The photo looks so peaceful, I love the old fashioned flag irises too! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

What a good idea .have a good weekend ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Nice idea about the seed swap Joan. Love the pic, nice and cool on a day like today!

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see all the plants that are on view for you to see at the moment.

I think the seed exchange idea is a good one but, at the moment and until I can get my feet under the table with gardening, I am not going to be very helpful to you for I do not know what many of the plants in my new garden are.

Having said that, I am keeping a typed writen diary of what is going on in the garden, I would say about 23 typed out pages so far, and some of the information may be of interest to someone later.

By for now,


Anonymous said...

Hi, what a lovely photograph, you do have a gift for photography and gardening.Great idea about the seed swap, wish I had green fingers, but although we have a lovely garden,I am still trying to grow there are some really good gardeners on the journals,by the pics I have seen. Ally, jeanette,jan , and the girl from Essex, is it Julie? Hope it takes off.

Anonymous said...

Hi, me again, it was Debbie that I was thinking of.She had some nice pics of her flowers and garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan I love the little Oasis you found it makes a lovely picture ~ what a nice idea to swap seeds ~ I dont know the name of a lot of my plants but could always send a picture of them with the seeds ~ has been Sunny all day here and the forecast for the weekend is good ~ hope you have a better day tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Your little oasis in the woods is wonderful, as is your photo Joan. Seed swapping is a great idea, I'd be up for sending them wherever. Next year we could post pics of our JLand plants. Take care, hope the pollen count soon goes down for you.
Love Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

hi Joan...
Lovely pic...have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Joan,  I think that your seed swap is a wonderful idea. I would certainly take part.  It is early in the season yet so we do not have a lot of seeds except for the marigolds but whoever would like some of them would be welcome.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan,  I see what you mean, it IS interesting and I`d be glad to take part. :o)

Sandra xxxx