Friday, 31 August 2007

Mixer maxter.


Good Afternoon, I have just come in from the garden have been pottering out there and having a read too. Have you noticed how green the grass is for late summer ours is still very lush, by this time of the year it usually has a few brown patches but this year it is like a bowling green (almost).
I could not believe how long it has been since I  last did an entry to my journal don't really have an excuse just been feeling a bit laid back and lazy it must be those lazy hazy crazy days of summer catching me out.
  I had a comment in my book journal about how much I read and how many books I get through  I do not read much during the day unless I am sitting in the garden I do most of my reading in bed at night and sometimes early morning as I am not a good sleeper at the moment and being retired  I do have plenty of time to play with. Am not at my best at the moment as I am trying very hard to come off my HRT. I have been advised to come off as I have been on it for many years now but coming off is not easy at all. All the symptoms that I had originally have returned with  a vengeance  and it is been really difficult. I  stopped taking the pills at the beginning of July and according to the my HRT Doctor I will not know until I have been off them for three months what stage I am at so I will have to be patient just now but it is very hard at the moment what with the warm weather and still nights.
Moving on lately we have taken to sleeping with the curtains open something we have never done before but it does let the fresh air in better, and I never knew before  just how bright the moon can be it lights up the whole room our bedroom faces south and that's where the moon seems to be at the moment I  am usually up during the night and have a look out and it is so beautiful  looking out during the night all is so peaceful.
I noticed in a magazine last  week that UK Gold are going to start repeating 'Tenko' as from Monday  at 4 pm I think it is  I really enjoyed this first time round and thought some of  the more senior ladies might just be interested  as it was very well made and had a great cast and if you are young it is a good history lesson.
Well tonight we finally get to the end of Big Brother and its not before time it has been a total bore this time. I cannot understand how people that are supposed to be at Uni can be so stupid  I was not educated to their standard,I left school at 15  and would not see them in my road .  I better not start on about the education service today.
We have had our Granddaughter the last two Tuesdays until she went back to school and  we went swimming with her just me the first week, and this week Stuart came in too we really enjoyed it as it is ten years since we swam in fact not since Stuart had his first heart attack so we were a bit rusty to begin with  but soon got back into the swing of things . Ellen is great in the water and swims well for someone her age  we all had a great time.
That's me for now I did update my book journal last week if you have not seen it pop over and have a look it was about A is for Alibi, by Sue Grafton. Not nearly finished this weeks book yet as it is a big read, but I will get there soon.  Hope you have a lovely weekend and the sun keeps shining.


Just a little footnote the garden was full of these lovely peacock butterflies this afternoon they are so pretty flitting from flower to flower.   



Wednesday, 22 August 2007

A favourite piece of music is mine.


Just a short entry tonight as I wanted to share my excitement with you. Today I found a recording of one of my favourite pieces of music it is such a haunting tune I sing it with great regularity. I was in our local charity shop today and stopped to look at CD not something I do a great deal but one caught my eye it was called The Greatest Themes Vol 2. I turned it over and there it was the theme music from Robinson Crusoe. It came from a TV series our son and I watched in the early sixties it was made in French
and had been dubbed and narrated in English but it was always the music I watched it for. Tonight I have also found a web site all about the series I am sure some of you ladies or gentlemen will remember it so I will leave the address at the end of this entry. I have been so excited about this tonight I have hardly been able to contain myself something's just get to me like this. I would have bought this many years ago but I did not know the name of the music, and the CD that has made me such a happy bunny cost me £1. There are another 16 tracks ranging from Vangelis 1492 Conquest of Paradise to Mission Impossible  really think I got a great bargain. Well that's about it for now will go and make some supper then sit and watch Sisters and Brothers one of my favourites at the moment.     Love Joan.

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Guns Are Scary Things


Good Afternoon, welcome to another rainy Saturday afternoon it is the end of a very busy week for us never seem to have been in for a moment. It has taken me ages to get settled here today as Stuart in his great wisdom has been touching the seat at the computer and had it down far too low for me so I was typing it the strangest position it was if I was hanging from the key board, still have it back to near normal now why do people have to be adjusting things that do now require adjusting? There that got that off my chest.
On Thursday this week we took a little run to Kinhorn and the Firth of Forth. We sat for a long time looking at the Terns fishing and the ships going up and down the river and a large amount of planes coming into Edinburgh Airport. Its a great airport to land at as you fly right up the estuary and over Edinburgh before you land.  After lunch a picnic in the car as it was very windy we decided to have a run up to the Forth Bridges. It is a strange road into  North Queensferry and you enter it from the back. As we were coming into the village its just a small place beneath the two bridges you come down a very steep hill single track road. Half way down Stuart braked suddenly as he had seen one of those speed humps but what I saw made me really jump, two policemen armed to the teeth. I said to Stuart "oh did you see that, what he said that speed bump, no I said the policemen with guns."  He had not seen them as the road is so very narrow and he had to watch the roas very carefully. So here I am saying what on earth could armed police be doing up here in this little village on a Thursday afternoon in the summer (the sun was shinning ) have you guessed yes The Prime Minister lives in North Queensferry and is there just now on holiday with his family. I think that's the nearest I have been to any PM in my 64 years. Not used to these sorts of things happening up here in rural Fife.
It seems very alien to me to see armed police yes I know it is more common nowadays but I do not see it very often. It looked so sinister to me.
The weather this week has been a little better and we did manage to sit out yesterday and the forecast is better for next week so maybe a spell of nice fine weather.
Am going to write up my lasted book review. You will maybe notice that there are two books in my side bar now, l tell all in my other journal. I think that's all for now hope you all have a great weekend. 


Guns Are Scary Things


Good Afternoon, welcome to another rainy Saturday afternoon it is the end of a very busy week for us never seem to have been in for a moment. It has taken me ages to get settled here today as Stuart in his great wisdom has been touching the seat at the computer and had it down far too low for me so I was typing it the strangest position it was if I was hanging from the key board, still have it back to near normal now why do people have to be adjusting things that do now require adjusting? There that got that off my chest.
On Thursday this week we took a little run to Kinhorn and the Firth of Forth. We sat for a long time looking at the Terns fishing and the ships going up and down the river and a large amount of planes coming into Edinburgh Airport. Its a great airport to land at as you fly right up the estuary and over Edinburgh before you land.  After lunch a picnic in the car as it was very windy we decided to have a run up to the Forth Bridges. It is a strange road into  North Queensferry and you enter it from the back. As we were coming into the village its just a small place beneath the two bridges you come down a very steep hill single track road. Half way down Stuart braked suddenly as he had seen one of those speed humps but what I saw made me really jump, two policemen armed to the teeth. I said to Stuart "oh did you see that, what he said that speed bump, no I said the policemen with guns."  He had not seen them as the road is so very narrow and he had to watch the roas very carefully. So here I am saying what on earth could armed police be doing up here in this little village on a Thursday afternoon in the summer (the sun was shinning ) have you guessed yes The Prime Minister lives in North Queensferry and is there just now on holiday with his family. I think that's the nearest I have been to any PM in my 64 years. Not used to these sorts of things happening up here in rural Fife.
It seems very alien to me to see armed police yes I know it is more common nowadays but I do not see it very often. It looked so sinister to me.
The weather this week has been a little better and we did manage to sit out yesterday and the forecast is better for next week so maybe a spell of nice fine weather.
Am going to write up my lasted book review. You will maybe notice that there are two books in my side bar now, l tell all in my other journal. I think that's all for now hope you all have a great weekend. 


Sunday, 12 August 2007

The Smile.


Good Afternoon, as promised yesterday I am going to tell you all why Stuart is smiling. As you can see from the photo's we have purchased an new car. We have had our Focus for two and a half years and thought we would like to have a change. Stuart is a bit of a lad when it comes to cars I have lost count how many we have had in our married life some of these days I am going to sit down and count them all.This time we have gone for a slightly bigger car its a Ford C. Max  Zetec its only 6 months old and is really nice and roomy. It sits a bit higher on the road than the Focus did so I can see over a lot of the hedges.
I was going to tell you about it yesterday but with the weather being so bad I could not get out to take a picture of it.  We nipped out this morning to a layby and managed to get these. As you saw yesterday I have a very happy husband.
I started this entry about half an hour ago and then I went down to have lunch and hang out my washing. What a waste of time that was the heavens have just opened again and even with my bad hearing I can hear it thumping it down where is all this rain coming from I think we have all had our share this 'summer'.I have just had a look out of the window and the street is running like a river. When it eases off a bit I will have to rescue my washing and spin it all over again but that's it am not going to hang it out again today. You may see in picture three there is a giant golf ball or that's what it gets called here it was used during the cold war as some sort of surveillance equipment but we were always told it was a weather station. It is not in use anymore and it is to be sold. Anybody want to live in a golf ball?
Think that's about it for today hope you all have a great Sunday and if you have time watch or record 9 PM on BBC 1 for a wonderful program called 'Mountain' tonight its back in Scotland and should be worth a look as the other two, one from the far north of my country and the other was from the Lake District. The host is Griff Rhys Jones and he does all the climbing too it has been a great program can really recommend it.  Bye  for now,



Saturday, 11 August 2007



Good Afternoon, not that there is anything good about it weather wise, if this keeps up I am going to run out of rainy graphics to head my entries. Have not got much to say but do have some nice sunny  pictures for you instead today. Will do a proper entry tomorrow.

There is an new entry in my Books Journal.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

An Apology.



Hello, Just came on really to say sorry for the size of the font I used yesterday on my entry I had a bit of a hiccup lost the entry managed to get it back but when I pressed save this is what came out. I did notice it but I did not have time to rewrite it so I thought you would excuse me for once.
It is not a very nice day here again we have had heavy rain this morning so am just passing time on the PC and trying not to get burned down on Bookworm. Stuart is watching the motor racing so that will keep him busy for a while and then he will probably watch the golf. Listening to my all time favourite Johnny Mathis have loved his voice since I was a teenager and that was not today or yesterday. He is the greatest. It has always been one of my wishes to  see him live but don't suppose I will now as he does not come over here now,  still I have his music to listen to. Seem to have rambled on a bit about nothing today and I only came onto say sorry you needed a magnifying glass yesterday to read my entry. Hope you have a peaceful Sunday.  Love


Saturday, 4 August 2007

Sunny windy Saturday.

Good Afternoon,what a busy week this has been we have never had a moment all week. I wonder where we got time to work. Monday we had our usual trip to St Andrews which was bustling  getting ready for the Women's Open Golf  tournament which is on this weekend. They have been very fortunate with the weather according to Stuart who has been watching. Tuesday we had  Ellen for the day that was fun as we tried to play badminton in the garden but the wind was just too much and kept blowing the shuttlecock everywhere but onto our rackets. Wednesday we did our weekly shop in Perth did not buy anything if I remember rightly just food. Thursday we met up with our old friend and had a day at Fife Ness bird watching but what I am about to say might sound strange but the weather was too good and all was very quiet. If the sea is calm the birds fly farther out and you cannot see them well you need a bit of sea mist will try again in a week or so as the Autumn migration is just  starting .Friday I had an appointment with the dentist for an impression for a my partial denture the one I have is so worn it has a hold in it ha ha. Today at last I was able to sit out with my book and managed to finish it. Oh how I love a hard back book instead of a paperback it just feels so much better in you hand and the type is always nice and clear. Think that's about it for now hope you have a lovely weekend. Love
Have updated my Book Journal just one entry today as I managed to get it up to date last week.

Thank you Donna for the perfect graphic for today.