Thursday, 12 July 2007

A Mix of Some Pics.

Good Evening, just a wee entry to let you see some pictures I have taken over the last week. Will be back tomorrow when I have more time in the meantime have a good evenning.     Love Joan.


Anonymous said...

Oh Joan I love Hosta's too tell Stuart.They are far better off in pots as slugs just adore them Grrrrrrrr.I learned my lesson with them when I was first a gardener LOL.I would buy one and the next day it had dissapeard haaaaaaaaaa.So many lovely varieties there are too.I have had lots in the past and passed them on to friends and family when I moved here..The loch picture is beautiful.I want to come to scotland more everytime you show me pics Haaaa.I love the rose of sharon too.I had a few of those as a low growing hedge. I bought one each yr as I have a niece called Sharon.Thanx for sharing your pictures I have realy enjoyed those .Have a good evening whats left of it.I am trying to catch up on a lot of alerts.PHEW,as I have been nusy with other things today.Take Care God Bless KATH

Anonymous said...

i love hostas! pity about the car

Anonymous said...

What a lovely hosta Joan.  I`ve never been able to keep one as the slugs always get them...sigh. Lovely photos, you have some beautiful beaches, all that golden sand and lovely scenery. I hope you get paid for advertising the company who supplies the courtesy! :o))

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

All your plants are thriving ,what lovely scenery Joan ,I get the impression you dont like the curtesy car  ;>) Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures.  Looks like everything is thriving in your garden and elsewhere in your life!

Anonymous said...

LOL at your courtesy car Joan "Do Fiat" give you a discount for advertising for them !!!!!  Loved the pictures ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I would have asked for a fee to drive that round!!! You are doing them a favour advertising it while you had it so you should get paid to advertise them!! Fortunately my courtesy car only had Volvo written on it.....that was bad enough(get the idea I am not a fan of Volvo's?!)!!!!

Anonymous said...

The hosta is a beaut!!!