Saturday, 29 December 2007

Passing time


Good Evening, it is still very quiet in J-land so I thought I would tell you what I do to pass some of the time on these dark and dismal days when it is hard to get out and about. Shopping is out of the question the shops are far to busy for us and Stuart’s shoulder/neck is still causing bother but a bit better than goodness.

Stuart has been a great fan of Sudoku for the past two years but I have never really sat down and tried until the last couple of weeks. With Stuart ailing and the weather awful I thought I would give it a go on AOL Leisure. They print three Sudokus every day easy medium and hard I am on the easy at the moment and having success Stuart (smarty pants) is on the hard. I am finding it quit addictive and can’t wait to do today’s puzzle. If you are interested just click leisure on the AOL welcome page then quiz the Sudoku comes up from there give it a go its great mental exercise.

Its been very quiet here over Christmas we did have Ellen yesterday as Richard and Lisa were at a funeral so we had her for a few hours. She loves to play ’Bejewelled’ online and likes to try Luxor too. She gets very excited and jumps about on the computer chair. I do not play games on my new laptop as I seem to get a bit of a problem sometimes when I am playing online games so I am trying to keep this PC good so to speak.

Have been feeling very down this week even with Christmas just can’t put my finger on what is wrong but I wish it would go away whatever it is that is bothering me. I think some of it is due to lack of sleep not sleeping well at all just now and oh it is such a long night you see every hour passing think I will have to try Horlicks or the likes to see if that will get me back into a pattern of sleeping.

Will be off now and see if there is something to watch on the telly least said about the festive programming the better. Till next time.





Anonymous said...

Hi Joan,
Sorry to hear you arent sleeping very well. I know how it feels, one night this week I was still awake at 4-30. Winter gets me down, think its the lack of sunlight, some days it hardly seems to get light at all. If its fine I try to have about 30 mins outdoors just to get a little bit of the sun, if its there that is. Have you tried online jigsaws? There is a good one called Jigzone, you try to beat the clock and can choose how many pieces you play with.

Love,  Cathy.  xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan,
I have tried the games you mention and they drive me round the bend LOL!! I have lots and lots of pacience Joan , but these realy do test mine.Grrrrrr.I wish Stuarts pain would ease a little.Yes it is very quiet in J/land but I have also read some alerts are not getting through.Which I believe is true as some of my followers have not been over to my new posting and I know for a fact one didn't get the alert.She sent me E.Mail to say so .Another memeber has stated in her journal the same thing.They have apparently done a new update I believe AOL so anything can happen LOL!!.It is awful when you cannot sleep Joan,I am the same.Though now I have been having a couple of teaspoons of whiskey in a cuppa for bed as one J/land member told me of and it is working for me.I do like Tia Maria  in coffee and that helps too.Do you know I bet people think I am a real drinker LOL,and I never drink at all.Only on special occasions and thats not often or maybe only a couple of small glasses.Horlicks doesn't work for me at all.I hope you have a good night tonight.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

glad you enjoy the AOl Sudoku it was me who introdiced it to AOL when the craze began............

you can always listen to my radio stations that'll cheer you up!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan, I've never tried sudoku, I prefer crosswords. I'm glad Stuart's neck is improving, it's always a slow process. I think J-Land is quiet as they aren't giving out alerts! I did an entry today and haven't got one comment in ten hours! If I can't sleep I always try deep breathing, it sends me off in minutes, don't know why! I hope you feel better soon, a lot of people get down at Christmas, it's often blamed on the amount of work preparing for the big day then when it's over it feels like there's nothing left ~except lots of turkey I suppose! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I like Sodoku, however I end up playing these games for hours on the best of sleepers myself so sorry I don't have any suggestions. Just finished my forst Tess Geritson "Stolen" pretty good so another new author to add to my list. Sorry to hear Stuart is still having quite a lot of pain, but a little better. Tv has been really poor this Christmas almost everything that was on I'd already seen dismal really considering what we pay for a TV license.

Take care


Anonymous said...

It was very quiet in J-land yesterday.  I hardly got any alerts at all, only two come to think of it.  And I got very few comments myself.  I think alerts may have been down.  I like cross word puzzles but I have a real problem with numbers and mathematical ones.  I just don't think I have a mathematical mind!

Anonymous said...

I dont enjoy numbers games at all ,I am not into numbers ,now words thats a different matter lol ,sorry to hear Stuarts neck is still hurting him ,its lovely to spend time with our Grandaughters isnt it ? I have had Charlotte staying since boxing day ,and she too likes the PC  in fact cant get her off it lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Joan, I am no good with numbers, they confuse me.  I do like a good "Kriss Kross" word game, however.  So sorry to hear that Stuart is still suffering pain in his shoulder and neck.  2008 is around the corner.  "Each New Year is a New Start", isn't that what they say?  May the New Year be a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous one for you, Stuart and your family.

Lots of love and ((hugs))"