Thank you Chris for the lovely Graphic.
Good Morning, feeling guilty have not done and entry all week. Don't know where the week has gone Monday St Andrews, Tuesday Ellen, Wednesday Perth so have not had much time and even less to say. Today is Ellen's first day a School and am just wondering how she is getting on. The new regime should not be too bad for her as she has been there for two years now in the nursery part of the school and they have been taking them into the school since
Easter getting them ready for the change. She has even tried out School Dinners. I wonder if she will remember in sixty years time here first day as well as I remember mine. It was not certain I would get to start as was last on the list because my birthday was not until December. I remember being told this but on that morning we set off as if I was going to go to school. We were in the Gym Hall at Blackness Primary and they called out all the names when your name was called you walked across the hall to the other side. Last but not least my name was called. I can remember my Mum saying 'Oh Joannie you are away' and at that she burst into tears. When we were finished for the day both Mum and Dad were there to meet me and we then went for my schoolbag. I still had that bag in Secondary School. Thing were made to last then. My Dad was not long home from the war as I remember so Mum and I were very close and always were. I think with it just being the two of us she really was going to miss me. Incase you don't know I am in my sixties and this all took place in 1947.
Its another lovely day here after some overnight rain. We have had a great summer here there has hardly been a day when the weather has kept us in. My Dahlias are out now in the garden that I planted from seeds they were just the annual ones but they are very pretty now as most of the perennial plants are past their best. I just planted enough seeds to fill the gaps being a Scot and very thrifty I will have enough for next year as they will still be in code. I always find if I plant I have far too many seedlings and not enough room for them and nobody to give them to so I have to throw them away and that is not a nice thing to do. That's me for today will better go and do some work. Love