Monday, 12 September 2005

Bad Day.

Today I have had a bad day.  Was not feeling too well so after the morning chores I tried to do some bits and pieces on the computer..I struggled all afternoon got a splitting headache nothing worked that I tried and then just to finish off a perfectly awful afternoon my counter went back to zero again so I have taken it off all together so it will be one less thing to go wrong.  So I am going to say goodnight and go and watch some telly and do a bit of my crochet.   Goodnight and Godbless Joan.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you have had such a bad day, things go like that sometimes. Enjoy t.v. and your crochet.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you've had a bad day computer wise :o(
I do wish I could help you!
Really, I am happy to email and help if I can, though am maybe not so good at explaining stuff.  All I can suggest is that you go back to the here to help journal and ask there.  Wish I could be more helpful!!!!!
Have a nice evening my dear.
Sara   x