Saturday, 24 September 2005

Lazy Saturday.

Good Afternoon J-land, glad to be back with you again have done a lot of reading and feel am just about caught up with all your news.  Don't know what happened to the computer to made it crash we were just deleting some programmes we were not using anymore when the whole thing jammed up and closed down never to return nomatter what we did.  Thats the first time I have seen this happening so it was most interesting.  the computer was giving us instructions to fix itself but this did not work. Monday morning bright and early the tower was taken by car to our computer repair shop.  We live in a small village with only a handful of shops but we do have one that fixes computers.  Kevin the computer man said dit would be ready on Wednesday or Thursday thats not long I hear you say oh its a long long time its not like the iron or the kettle we do not have a spare.  Tuesday we took ourselves off to St Andrews for the day to pass the time so that was OK.  Wednesday we did our weekly shop etc so that passed that day.  Thursday our beloved computer would be ready today oh no Thursday is half day in the village yes we still have early closing here so that ment that it would not be ready . Friday dawned today would be the day we thought. Stuart went off to his art class and i stood by the phone. Stuart arrived home still no news so he phone .......will phone you back in a while.  After a short wait the phone at last rang yes it was ready for collection YIPPEE  .I would not have believed just how much i   I would have missed our computer but we have been really lost without it and are very glad to have it back.  It is a new position for the time being as we are going to decorate the spare room where it normally is so we thought it would be as well to keep it down here with it all being unpluged and everything the only thing is the telly is in here too and I find it a bit difficult to consentrate,but I will manage for a while till we get sorted out upstairs.  Not been out much today as Stuart is not at his best and is very tired so will say bye for now and hope you have a great weekend. Love to all Joan.


Anonymous said...

So glad you got the computer back, I would be lost without mine I can tell you. As for the noise of the t.v. I have to put up with it, our computer is in our living room as there is no room anywhere else! Hope you have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

I can usually concentrate with t.v.on unless Rob is in one of his silly phases like last night!!!!

Anonymous said...

My computer lives in it's cosy little corner of the living room.  You get used to having the TV on in the background ;o)  I would be frantic without my PC, so I realise what a long time that must have felt for you without yours.  I'm getting - hopefully - a laptop for Christmas, to guard against that ever happening here!!
Sara   x