Goodevening J-Land just a short entry tonight as I have been struggling with this computer all afternoon. You would not believe what has been going on here even had a comment that my journal has gone too wide will go for the help line tomorrow.
You may be wondering why I have shared pictures of a motorway. This is the M90 north and south at 11am this morning. You can see how quiet it is thats why the title is We are so lucky. I was reading a journal this morning about how jammed your roads are well this was the way we were this morning, it was a beautiful day so I would have thought it would have been a busier, but not up to your standards down south. When we were on holiday in Suffock earlier this year we left Woodbridge at 4am to come home. We went to Ipswich and at that time of the morning it was jammed up with big big lorries I could not believe it. I have never seen so much traffic in my life.
Other than battling with this computer this afternoon we did have a lovely long walk this morning. Where we stay we can walk over the M90 and on to our lovely coffee shop.So after a coffee we walked back home in the sunshine.
Well I will close now and hope you all had a good weekend. Goodnight.
Note. just checked if the width was any better because of the smaller type but its not bear with me and I'll try to get it fixed tomorrow. Could'nt take anymore flustrations tonight.
Hi Joan, all round this way there seems to be roadworks all the time.....trouble is the roads never seem any better, just more bumps from the uneven repairs...oh for a smooth road!
I don't know why your journal has gone so wide, usually it does that when you put a picture in that is too big, but I can't see any on your journal. Really, all I can suggest is that you go to the Here to Help journal -
Or send an email to the lovely and very helpful UKHostBks who writes that journal. Very quiet motorways you have up there, my hubby, who drives for a living, would welcome that sight!!
Sara x
Do not go to the help line - go to this site and leave a message asking for help with all your problems, the person has helped so many people including me. They will get back to you I promise and by email or im if needed and you really cannot figure it out. Here is the link
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