Sunday 18 September 2005

Thinking back.

Good Morning all, really stuck for something to write about today so if Jeannette does not mind I've got a wee tail to tell about my trip to Switzerland .  I was 14 years old when we did the trip Mun Dad  myself and two friends of my parents.  We did not have the luxury of a coach, we did it in a Motorbike and Sidecar from Dundee to Lusanne.  A very long way at the time as there was absolutley no motorway in 1956 so you had to go through all the towns on route to Dover it took us 2 days driving all day and then a B & B at night.  Once we crossed over to France we were on a camping trip and spent all our holiday touring and under canvas at night.  We did this trip twice once, the first time 1955 we only went to Paris and I remember we camped on The Bois De Boulonge (Not sure about the spelling of that but I'm sure you know where I mean).  I saw it again for the first time on the Paris Marathon it look really good but not a place to visit at night. I remember these holidays with very fond memories as it was a great adventure for us. One thing that has stayed with me were the bullet holes still in the walls it made the war seem a lot more real to me and I have never forgotten that.  Its not often you see a motorbike and sidecar on the road these days but i did see one this week on the motorway boy did I get the shivers. Always wanted to go back to Paris and hope one day Stuart and I will. One thing I will aways have are my Dads books where he wrote every mile he did in his 86 years on the road. Starting with his bike then motorbike and then his car.They make such good reading, all repairs,  petrol bought tyres replaced etc etc they are a  mine of information. I think I had better stop now as I have kept you long enough. Love Joan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those books of your Dad's must make fascinating reading Joan.  I remember a family member of mine when I was younger went everywhere on his mororbike, which had a sidecar, he he, I had forgotten about that :o)
Sara   x