Friday, 21 October 2005

My Morning

Good Morning J-land,while doing up the breakfast dishes (not liking it at all) I was looking out the window and noticed  a Rowan tree out there that does  not have a leaf left on it.  This tree is always first out in the spring so you can expect this but what I do not expect is my Yellow Buddleia is still in full flower as is the Lobbelia and the Lavatria, you see we have not had a frost yet which is most unusual. Global Warming?.  Stuart is out as usual being Friday he doing his Vincent thing at his art class think he will enjoy this more that the other painting he has been doing this week.  Well I will better go now so I can pretend, at least, to having been busy this morning. Have a nice day.  Love



Anonymous said...

I was commenting to him indoors last night how strange it is that we have not had a frost yet.  

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean ,but the seasons dont seem to have the definition,as when we were young ,"now theres an old woman thing to say"!!!!There are some lovely roses still on the tree hanging over the wall I see from my kitchen window   Jan xx  

Anonymous said...

No frost yet, but I'm hearing that this winter will be colder than we've been used to these last few years.  Brrr, need to get slippers and hot water bottle in preperation, lol!!  Hope you had a good day m'dear.
Sara   x