Butterflies are one of my favourite things. Have been struggling to get pictures to share. Everytime I get close they either fly off or shut their wings. At the moment our garden is full of of the beauties. We have three Buddleis in the garden two of the normal lilac ones and the other one is yellow(I think you can see it in one or two of the pictures) its called Buddleia Weyeriana. I bought this plant as a cutting while on holiday in Norfolk in a place called Holt a lovely little Georgian Town. It is now standing about 12 feet high even though it is pruned down every spring to about 18". The butterflies and bees absolutely love it so it is well worth its space in our garden.
Got on well with the housework today as promised even did my own hoovering as my hooverer in chief still has a bad back.
Went to visit Gemma's Journal and tried to encourage her to keep writing. I get a lot of pleasure doing this journal even if somedays nobody reads it. I like thinking during the day what am I going to write about today and try to make it interesting.
Well I will close but before I go I have got two more favourite things tonight . A fresh bed and a new book how good is that.
In case anyone is interested the two butterflies in the pictures as Peacock and Red Admiral. Goodnight all and God Bless