Thursday, 25 August 2005

The Last Word

Hoorah, the Fridge Feezer has arrived and I will be able to switch it on in just a little while.  I'll be so happy as I have not been able to trust anything for about a week now and it was getting to me.  Had a good day doing this and that and playing Bookworm and Luxor which is also very good.  Going down now to watch last nights programes as hubby was watched the football  night so I taped our favourites so I will say goodnight God Bless.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I LOVE Bookworm!!
Yay for the fridge freezer, and I hope you enjoy your programmes.  Won't be nosy and ask what they are.  No.  I won't!!
Sara   x
(Still not being nosy!)