Monday, 21 November 2005

Monday Monday.


Good Morning, Cold and sunny up here this morning but the early frost has gone and the temperature is rising.  Have been out for our morning walk and collected our paper and some milk it was very pleasant so if it turns dull at least we have been out for a wee while.  We are hoping to go to our local nature reserve this afternoon if it stays fine. Not a lot to tell you about just now all has gone nice and quiet again after all the happenings of last week long may it continue. Hope you will have a good day and will talk again later. Love,



Anonymous said...

Lovely graphic, so warm and cheerful.  Mike went to the local tip with a load of stuff he had cleared from the garage. He came back absolutely frozen.  The sun is very hazy here and it is already getting very cold again.

Anonymous said...

Well youve been out Ive still got to go -my computer lesson ,and Istill dont thinkIve really learned too much I didnt already know !!Ido know theres alot Ineed to go so Iwill go out BRR,ITS TOMORROW MORNING 7 .30 Im dreading LOL ......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that things are nice and quiet with you now my dear, after last week that is definately a good thing :o)
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Joan love your graphic  - Also glad tings are nice and calm for you....Ally

Anonymous said...

Hope it's staying nice and quiet for you ;-)