Monday, 7 November 2005

A Pat on the back.

Good Evening, Been much nicer here today some sun but a bit windy, infact so nice we were able to get out to the garden this morning. We were needing to take out the Yellow Buddlia that I showed you with the butterflies on it earlier in the year.  It just got to big it was 14ft high and about 6ft across. I was very sad to do this but it just had to be done.  I got a bit cold out this morning and could not get warmed up again I think its with all the pills I take for my blood pressure.  I have posted a few pictures for you of the bonfire and the fireworks on Saturday in Perth. They were spectacular and we all had a great evening. Does anyone know how difficult it is to take pictures of fireworks you either click too early or you miss it this is the best I could do. Have been starting a new game of bookworm this afternoon as we burnt down last night just short of 1 million.  You will be wondering about my title tonight well the pat is for me its two years today since I stopped smoking, and I must say I am very pleased with myself as I had tried many times before and always failed but I had to do something about it this time as my blood pressure was very high and also the price was rediculous and as I was going to retire I had all the reasons I neaded.  I used the patches and the practice nurse helped me and I sailed through it. Well I think thats about all for today hope you all have a pleasant evening.  Love



Anonymous said...

Well done, Rob gave up nearly 7 years ago and immediately got diagnosed with asthma!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sailed through it ?mmmm..................Jan xx .....Oh very well done.

Anonymous said...

Hello Joan, thanks for leaving your link and the fireworks display. Pity you took the Buddlia out, I prune mine  back in the late winter to  2-3ft.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you.  Two years, that's great.  I used the patch too and like you had tried many times before.   Think of all the money we are saving.           Dawn

Anonymous said...

Such a shame you took the Buddleia out.  We cut ours down to about four inches from the ground and prune the width right back, they can take it.  Enjoyed the pictures.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean with the photograph taking.  I tried to take some pics of the red arrows in august and I couldn't see so just snapped - came out with some pretty good ones :-)  It has been cold today hasn't it!!  Well done for not smoking!!  I gave up coz of my blood pressure too!!

Anonymous said...

Well done Joan on 2 years no smoking......The Bonfire and fireworks came out well...I've never tried taking pictures of them...Hope your day goes well....Ally

Anonymous said...

Oh well done you, two years not smoking is fantastic!!  You must feel so much better, I know I do whenever I give up, which has never lasted unfortunately for me.  Maybe I should try the patches too!  Loved the fireworks pictures, and especially the bonfire ones, they're beautiful :o)
Sara   x